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01 08
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Polpo alla griglia con spinaci e patate
Tagliolini con crema di taleggio e tartufo estivo
Risotto al tartufo estivo e tartar di gambero rosso
BFE2636 E 95 A8 47 ED 9 CE6 58 CDC21 FD889
DC58176 F 5427 46 CF B54 D D6 D37 E054399
79 CA97 D5 A9 FC 482 E 90 EF 406 A6 D3 F8 EF0
0 F5 BAABC 60 D7 4086 B2 D4 B826 F63 DF26 B
Image 1
another picture
Polpo alla griglia con spinaci e patate


Image 1
BFE2636 E 95 A8 47 ED 9 CE6 58 CDC21 FD889
79 CA97 D5 A9 FC 482 E 90 EF 406 A6 D3 F8 EF0
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01 03
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In the spaces near the busy intersection of Krížna – Legionárska, a restaurant called "Sapori Italiani - U Taliana" has found its place, opening in mid-December. This marks the expansion of the same-named restaurant from Ružomberok, which has been a regional gastronomic phenomenon in the Liptov region since 2003. In comparison to the Ružomberok branch, you will find approximately 20 types of pizzas, various pasta dishes, and many other delicacies on their menu.
0 F5 BAABC 60 D7 4086 B2 D4 B826 F63 DF26 B
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01 01
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Restaurant / Terrace
In the spaces near the busy intersection of Krížna – Legionárska, a restaurant called "Sapori Italiani - U Taliana" has found its place, opening in mid-December. This marks the expansion of the same-named restaurant from Ružomberok, which has been a regional gastronomic phenomenon in the Liptov region since 2003. In comparison to the Ružomberok branch, you will find approximately 20 types of pizzas, various pasta dishes, and many other delicacies on their menu.
A0 EE2319 E208 4570 BBAD 49033 EE2 A59 D
B4 F81117 C645 4 A19 ADBA 975 C8 AAE5 CBA
E9586 B5 C 8868 4 F29 868 B B3 BBE5 B4 BFE8
DC58176 F 5427 46 CF B54 D D6 D37 E054399
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01 04
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The restaurant owner, born Sardinian Andrea Ena, opened an Italian restaurant with a pizzeria on two floors of a renovated building in Stein. In the lower part, you'll find the restaurant itself with a pastry shop that serves not only cakes but also sweet and savory breakfasts and homemade bread. Conversely, in the upper part, there's a shop with Italian specialties like cheeses, olives, dried tomatoes, as well as a summer terrace and a VIP lounge for private parties.
Coffee decor
Wine decor

Sapori Italiani U Taliana

Here you can definitely find a piece of Italy, both in the style of cooking and in the rich basket of ingredients used. There's a substantial slice of Naples, portrayed through classic Neapolitan-style pizza, but there's also a wonderful gastronomic narrative of Sardinia. This is crafted by the pizzaiolo and chef Andrea Ena, who certainly knows his way around the kitchen. You can see it in his open, smiling face that values his roots, and he is also highly skilled in communicating his thoughts and the work of his kitchen and dining room teams. The final result is all-encompassing: a restaurant, bar, pizzeria, delicatessen, with a large following on social media and segments on television. In each aspect, cooking and communication effectively integrate, serving the public with zest and ease, whether at the table, in the dining area, or in front of a screen.

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